
Heal from Heartbreak: Stop Reaching Out to Your Ex

After a heartbreak, it's natural to feel a strong urge to reach out to your ex.


Alex Rodriguez

August 19, 2024 · 3 min read

Broken heart made out of glass sitting in darkness

Heal from Heartbreak: Stop Reaching Out to Your Ex

After a heartbreak, it's natural to feel a strong urge to reach out to your ex. However, holding on to the past can hinder the healing process and prevent you from moving forward. Reaching out to your ex can lead to a cycle of negative emotions, including guilt, anxiety, and sadness, making it difficult to rebuild your sense of identity and self-worth. By letting go of the past, you can break free from these negative emotions and focus on your emotional well-being, taking the first step towards healing and moving on from the heartbreak.

Identifying the Heartbreak Triggers That Hold You Back

Now that you've acknowledged the need to let go of the past, it's essential to identify the triggers that make you reach out to your ex. These triggers can be social media, mutual friends, certain places, or even specific songs. Take some time to reflect on when and why you tend to contact your ex. Is it when you're feeling lonely or bored? Do you reach out when you see their posts on social media? Once you're aware of your triggers, you can develop a plan to avoid or manage them. For instance, consider taking a break from social media or limiting your use to specific times of the day. If mutual friends are a trigger, it may be necessary to establish boundaries or take a step back from the friendship for a while. Remember, identifying your triggers is the first step towards breaking the habit of reaching out to your ex. By being mindful of these triggers, you can take control of your actions and focus on your emotional well-being.

From Heartache to Healing: A Path Forward

Now that you've identified your triggers, it's time to take action and break the habit of reaching out to your ex. Block Their Number: One of the most effective ways to stop contacting your ex is to block their number. This might seem drastic, but it's a crucial step in moving on. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. Find New Hobbies: Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you meet new people. This will not only distract you from thoughts of your ex but also give you a sense of purpose. Practice Self-Care: Focus on rebuilding your identity and self-worth by taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This includes exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones. By implementing these practical steps, you'll be well on your way to breaking the habit of reaching out to your ex and starting a new chapter in your life.

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Emotions often get the best of us: They make us worry, argue, procrastinate…

But we’re not at their mercy: We can learn to notice our triggers, see things in a new light, and use feelings to our advantage.

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