
How are you? Do you even know?

We often can’t even name what we’re feeling - which means we can’t tame it either. But we can learn to tune in!


John Roggan

January 24, 2024 · 2 min read


Do you often feel stressed? Well, in fact you actually don’t. 


We just say we’re stressed because we didn’t really tune into what we’re actually feeling: Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Nervous? Frustrated? All at once? (It’s been a long week).


When asked “How are you?” we just robotically reply “Fine” - without even checking what’s actually going on in us. Sounds familiar?  


We are often not in tune with ourselves. We worry, ruminate, and sulk - without even realizing we’re emotional. We run on “autopilot” - unaware of the moods that are actually governing our minds.







If we can’t name it, we can’t tame it



And that’s a problem! Because if we don’t know what we’re feeling, we’re at the mercy of our emotions.


For example, if we’re frustrated but unaware of that, our anger can roam unhindered. We end up walking around being rude, spreading our bad mood. And that’s unfortunate for everyone involved. 


Another example? If we think we’re “stressed” but are in fact nervous, then lying down on the couch to “relax” won’t help. Instead it might actually give our anxious minds more time to ruminate.


If we don’t know what we’re feeling, emotions can control us. But if we know what’s going on in us, we can use our emotions to our advantage. 


Only then we can channel and challenge them - and ultimately become calmer and kinder people.





How to become more self-aware



Unfortunately, when feelings hit, our minds don’t conveniently flash the words “You’re getting emotional!” in front of our eyes. 


However, we can learn to better notice when emotions bubble up: Find yourself suddenly talking louder? Frowning? Thinking he’s stupid? You might be getting upset!


The Ahead app’s reflection tool is a great way to identify your warning signs. Find out what indicates you’re getting angry, worried, or sad, and how to stay in control here!


Emotions can sneak up on us, disguise themselves, even keep us hostage. But not if we learn to spot and manage them better! 


So let me ask you again: How are you right now? Maybe curious and motivated to better name and tame your emotions?



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Emotions often get the best of us: They make us worry, argue, procrastinate…

But we’re not at their mercy: We can learn to notice our triggers, see things in a new light, and use feelings to our advantage.

Join Ahead and actually rewire your brain. No more “in one ear, out the other.” Your future self says thanks!

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